There are key issues that you should check and consider before you request a sworn translation for Spanish visa applications.
This blog post will help you get everything ready for your appointment with the Spanish Consulate.

Having to apply for a Spanish visa is but one of the many burdens brought about by Brexit.
Moreover, with so much conflicting information coming from the parties involved in the Spanish visa application process, some applicants are finding this procedure stressful and sometimes frustrating.
Your application documents must be translated by a Sworn Spanish translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In order to avoid delays and get your documents ready for your appointment, there are some checks you should carry out and key issues to consider before requesting a sworn translation for your Spanish visa application.
It is compulsory to legalise (ie apostille) any official British documents to be submitted in Spain. You can find more information about the apostille here.
Note that a sworn translator cannot apostille your documents for you. The apostilling is a separate process.
Also, according to the Spanish Consulate’s Legalisation Department, any foreign public document that needs to be translated by a Spanish sworn translator must be apostilled beforehand, since the apostille must be translated too. Note, however, that there is conflicting information, since in some cases translations are accepted before apostilling the document.
It is usually legal and official documents that need to be apostilled (excluding, for example, bank statements and, in some cases, medical certificates), but please enquire first before sending a document for translation.

As part of the visa application process, you may be required to provide proof of your financial status, for example, statements issued by banks and other entities such as your building society.
These and other documents such as employment contracts, rental agreements (if you own a property and you receive income from renting it out), pension statements or tax returns and accounts if you are a self-employed person are accepted as evidence that you will be able to support yourself while in Spain.
It has been confirmed that bank statements, as well as Premium Bonds statements, pension letters and polling cards (for non-lucrative visa applications), do not need to be apostilled.
With the Spanish visa application procedure for Brits still in its infancy, our clients are receiving conflicting information as to when it is compulsory to submit bank statements to support your visa application.
This depends on the type of visa you are applying for. According to the information provided by the Spanish Consulate’s website, bank statements must be submitted for student and family reunification visas, whereas applicants for internship, working and highly qualified professionals visas are exempted from this requirement.

As stated above, employment contracts and other agrements, such as rental agreements, must be submitted in order to support certain visa applications.
Please note that, whereas not all written contracts need to be signed by all parties in order to be binding, it is advisable that your contracts be duly executed by all parties before submission for translation.
In our experience, contracts and agreements signed in electronic form are widely accepted if submitted in electronic form.
However, because your visa application documents must be submitted in hard copy, it is advisable that you submit a handsigned copy of your agreement in order to avoid rejection.

Apart from the checks already mentioned, there are a couple of things you can do to ensure a smooth translation process:
- Provide the Spanish sworn translator with a list of the documents you are certain to need for your application, including the apostilles.
- When you e-mail the documents to the Spanish sworn translator, ensure to attach the apostille in the same pdf as the document. If you send the apostilles in separate files, the translator will not know which apostille belongs to which document. This may cause delays or confusion.
- Confirm with the recipient whether they accept a digitally-signed electronic copy of the sworn translation (for more information on digitally-signed sworn translations for Spanish visa applications, read this post).
Do you need a sworn translation of your papers for a Spanish visa application? I am a UK-based Spanish Sworn translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can contact me here.

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Sworn / Legal English-Spanish Translator with 20 years of experience in legal translation. BA in Translation & Interpreting and Graduate Diploma in English Law. Specialising in trusts, contracts, company documents and civil litigation documents. Traductora jurada y jurídica de inglés 20 años de experiencia en la traducción jurídica. Licenciada en Traducción e Interpretación y Graduada en Derecho inglés. Especializada en trusts, contratos, documentos societarios y escritos y documentos para procesos civiles y mercantiles.
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